
Fastest way to level fighters guild
Fastest way to level fighters guild

In between, you will notice dolyaks on the map.

  • Mounts for faster traversing (still not required).
  • Lower level character for opening the bags.
  • Let’s take a look at what we farm and how do we make gold out of it. RIBA stands for (R)ed, (I)ndigo, (B)lue and (A)mber. Those are the names of the four fortresses of the map. The most common is through RIBA and Chestfarm (CF for short). Silverwastes is one of the most classic maps for farming.
  • 2.8 Daily Flax / Mussels / Jungle Plants / Elder Wood Gathering Routes.
  • 2.7 Daily Heart Of Thorns / Path Of Fire Map Meta-Events.
  • 2.6 Daily Tequatl The Sunless World Boss.
  • 2.5 Daily Pact Scout’s Mapping Materials.
  • 1.3 Volatile Magic Farm (Living World Season 4 Maps).
  • fastest way to level fighters guild

  • 1.2.2 Exchanging Unbound Magic To Make Gold.
  • 1.2 Wintersberry Farm (Unbound Magic) (Living World Season 3 Maps).

  • Fastest way to level fighters guild